Export Documents
We issue foreign trade documents, such as European Union non-preferential Certificates of Origin, ATA Carnet customs documents, invoice confirmations, Force Majeure and other special certificates to meet the requirements of trade parties and authorities in the export country.
Foreign Trade
Price list for export documents
- Certificate of origin
Original Document 34 €
Copy 16 € - Special certificates
Group 1: 50 €
Group 2: 80 €
Group 3: 200 €
Copy: 16 €
Forms required for the applications for certificates of origin are available free of charge.
Should you need us to print the ceritficate of origin on your behalf and send it to you by post, a fee in the amount of 5 Euros will be applied additionally. Express delivery is charged separately.

Example of ATA Carnet

Within 32 months´ time, the top cellists of Apocalyptica have given 235 concerts in 46 countries all over the world, and with the help of ATA carnets trasporting musical instruments and other goods has been significantly easier.
Export Documents
Certificate of Origin and document confirmation
Exporters can apply for European Union Certificates of Origin and confirmation of other trade documents online.
Guide for European Union Certificates of Origin
Applications submitted on weekdays by 4 o’clock p.m. are handled during the same day.
How to apply for certificates of origin and approval of export documents
- Register as a client at vientiasiakirjat.fi
- When you receive registration confirmation, Sign in to services -> Sign in/Kirjaudu – Order a password/Tilaa salasana ->Forgot Password/Unohtuiko salasana
- Apply for certificates of origin & approval of your export documents in accordance with instructions provided.
- Using color printer, print the certificates of origin / approved documents received through the service.
Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to take contact:
p. 06- 429 8100 tai ep@kauppakamari.fi
ATA carnet
ATA carnet is an international customs document allowing export of goods to countries, which have joined the duty, – and tax-free agreement, for a period of one year. The ATA (Admission Temporaire / Temporary Admission) means that the question is about the temporary goods export. With the help of ATA carnet –customs documents one can export temporary goods, such as commercial goods samples, professional equipment or exhibition goods. For example, computers, tools, filming equipment, musical instruments, machinery, jewellery, clothing, medical equipment and works of art. ATA carnet cannot be used, if goods are being exporting for further processing or repairing, or for the goods which are being consumed during the transportation or is distributed among the customers.
The purpose of the ATA carnet -register is to facilitate and simplify the temporary customs exemption procedure for the above-mentioned groups of goods, so that ATA carnet
- replaces the export documents in the country of origin,
- replaces the necessary customs documents in the temporary export country,
- includes an internationally approved guarantee that covers any customs duties and import taxes on imported goods, and
- serves as a transit document for goods.
- returns the goods to the country of origin wihtout any obstacles.
The ATA carnet does not replace other documents and permits that may be required in relation to export (for example, firearm import permits, health certificates). The user of the ATA carnet should also check the need for freight transport permit ATA at the Traficom page.
An ATA carnet is issued to an approved applicant (company), whose business is in the area of operation of the Chamber of Commerce issuing the ATA Carnet.
Special certificates
At your request, Chamber of Commerce can approve special certificates, such as:
- Force Majeure
- Certificate of Good Standing
- Free sales -certificate
Do you need a special certificate?
Please contact our office by phone: 06- 429 8100 or e-mail: ep@kauppakamari.fi
Foreign trade agreements
We organize trainings related to export trade contracts, logistics, payment methods and risk management, as well as provide information from the International Chamber of Commerce about the ICC contract models, such as:
• Trade agreements
• Aftersales- and agent agreements
• Terms of delivery Incoterms 2020
• ICC payment methods, letters of credit, receivables and guarantees.
I will gladly help you with the export documents!